The Spiritual Spread is the Card Calendar that shows the cards in perfect order. This Calendar Spread shows us the potential each card has the ability to live up to, each card’s natural talents, blessings, past-life relationships and much more…

This image is the Spiritual Spread or the Pure Spread in Cardology.


The Life Spread Calendar is the spread for each card in this lifetime and it shows our current Life Path Cycle. Our Life Path shows us our current strengths and weaknesses, our deepest fears and insecurities, our childhood, our approach towards relationships, our values, how we give and receive love, our need for security and how we go about getting those needs met, how we handle emotions, our propensity towards anger and violence, how we give and receive love, who we are closest to and why and so much more can be extracted from these Spreads.

This image is the Life Spread in Cardology.