What are the Karma Cards?

The Karma Cards are also known is an ancient calendar system devised and used by ancient Egyptians to determine ‘lucky and unlucky’ days and are sometimes called Cardology. This calendar system has been studied by scholars and scientists and dates back to the late Nineteenth Dynasty (around 1225 BC). Based upon scientific studies, ancient Egyptians based this calendar on the moon phases and the brightening and dimming of the three-star system Algol, as visible from earth. This calendar is used to predict the future with uncanny details based upon a person, place, or thing’s birthday. In modern times, this calendar system has been known by many names and as it is further studied, more and more information seems to be extracted from this ancient papyrus.

The Karma Cards is a mathematical science that uses the basics of Astrology, Numerology and Cartomancy to predict accurate details of our lives, such as our childhood experiences, our talents, our life challenges, our career choices, our relationships to others, our hidden fears, our values, and so much more. As you dive into this book you will learn the complex layers of Karma Cards and be able to use this divination tool to obtain insight into your life and the lives of others and hopefully give you the answers that you seek. Even as a skeptic, the Karma Cards has the power to make you a believer once you understand it. The basic deck of cards that we’ve been playing with our whole lives is actually a Calendar System that has been hidden in plain sight, behind the veil of illusion, let me break it down for you…

There are 52 cards in the deck, which represents the 52 weeks in a year. 5 + 2 = 7 the number of days in a week. If you add the face value of each card in the deck, you’ll get 364, add the Joker which is valued at 1 1/4 you’ll get 365 1/4 which is the number of days in a year. There are 13 cards in each suit, this represents the 13 moon cycles we have every year. The 12 Court Cards represent the 12 months in a year. The colors, Red and Black represent the Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine energy, negative and positive, male and female. The 4 suits represent the 4 seasons but also represent the number of Equinoxes and Solstices in a year and the 4 elements (water, air, earth and fire).